Monday, September 6, 2010

The life of Peter...(Me)

Everything that i post on this blog is going to be difficult to be kept anonymous. Things that I do define me. I am known for being what I am seen doing. Most people don't know that I have hidden talents too. I've always loved music. Not just Lady Gaga, (although I do have a deep obsession with her music ABSOLUTELY!) I love classical music. Most people don't appreciate classical music only the way that a musician can. My mom has forced me to play the violin all my life. Only recently did I actually start to ENJOY this instrument that, in my childhood, was the source of all my misery! I also love country music. Nothing is more sexy then Brad Paisley when he sings and plays the guitar. His, and all country artists really have a soft spot in my heart from the time I was a little girl. Country is Daddy's music to me. He always found a meaning from every song he listened to. Even if it's a song as worthless as, "She thinks my Tractor's sexy." Even though that song is one of my absolute favorites. :)
I took this class for a few reasons. Number one, I heard Mr. Nelson takes school and actually makes it ENJOYABLE! WHO KNEW IT WAS POSSIBLE!? I am also taking this class because believe it or not, I love to write. Writing in a sense, is like music. It's basically just self expression. What is better then getting to say what you want, when you want, why you want, and about what you want? Nothing. I really am excited about this blog as well. No one will ever know who the real "Peter Piper" is. :) Pretty mysterious stuff. I'm going to love it!


  1. That's cool you can play the violin, i kinda wish i had stuck to playing at least one of the several instruments i once knew somewhat how to play.

  2. How did you come up with "peter's pimpin pad"? it is way unique. I wish I was that good at anamanapias. Sorry I don't know how to spell either but I meant those things when the first letter of all the words is the same. You know what I'm talkin about.
